Field Guide

Butterflies and Moths

Showing 41 - 50 of 69 results
Image of a gypsy moth
Species Types
Scientific Name
Lymantria dispar
The spongy moth, introduced to our continent from Europe, has caused millions of dollars in damages to forests. Help protect our forests by learning how to recognize the spongy moth, and its larvae and egg masses, and report any occurrences you find.
image of a Grapeleaf Skeletonizer
Species Types
Scientific Name
Harrisina americana
Grapeleaf skeletonizer moths have all-black wings that they typically hold flat, away from the body. There is an unbroken collar of red or orange behind the black head.
image of an Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 35 species in North America north of Mexico
Tent caterpillar moths and lappet moths are medium-sized, with thick, long scales that make them look furry. The abdomen usually extends past the wings when they are folded back over the body.
Tortricid moth resting on a leaf
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 1,400 species in North America north of Mexico
At rest, tortricid moths often have a distinctive shape, resembling an arrowhead or a bell, with the forewing tips either squared-off or flared outward.
image of a Spiny Oak Slug Moth
Species Types
Scientific Name
Euclea delphinii
The spiny oak-slug moth is named for its caterpillar, which is armed with gaudy, stiff, stinging spines. If you touch them, the sting can feel something like a bee sting.
image of an Ailanthus Webworm Moth on a flower
Species Types
Scientific Name
Atteva aurea
Ailanthus webworm moths visit flowers in the daytime but also come to lights at night. Larvae live communally in silken webs in tree-of-heaven, an invasive tree from Asia.
image of an Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Species Types
Scientific Name
Malacosoma americana
The silken tents of eastern tent caterpillars are conspicuous each spring in the forks of apple, cherry, and plum trees. The adult moths are brown with two pale stripes on the forewings.
Photo of a monkey slug caterpillar on an oak leaf
Species Types
Scientific Name
More than 20 species in Missouri
Adult slug caterpillar moths are heavy-bodied and furry. The weird-looking caterpillars have suckers instead of prolegs, so they glide around like slugs. Don’t touch — many have stinging spines or hairs.
Orange-patched smoky moth resting on the edge of a leaf
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 25 species in North America north of Mexico
Leaf skeletonizer moths are also called smoky moths because they have translucent smoky-brown, brownish gray, or black wings. Many species also have patches or orange or rusty color. Larvae eat all but the veins of leaves, leaving a skeleton of veins behind.
Adult salt marsh moth resting on a vertical plant stem
Species Types
Scientific Name
Estigmene acrea
The salt marsh moth, a type of tiger moth, is strikingly white with small black spots. Males have yellow-orange hindwings. The caterpillars are fast-moving woolly bears ranging from yellowish to brown to blackish.
See Also
image of Caddisfly on leaf
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 1,500 species in North America north of Mexico
Adult caddisflies are mothlike. Their larvae are aquatic and build portable, protective cases out of local materials, including grains of sand, bits of leaves and twigs, and other debris.
Photo of eastern dobsonfly
Species Types
Scientific Name
Corydalus cornutus
Adult eastern dobsonflies are huge and mothlike, with large wings and a weak, fluttery flight. The fiercely predaceous aquatic larvae, called hellgrammites, are well-known to anglers, who often use them as bait.

About Butterflies and Moths in Missouri

Butterflies, skippers, and moths belong to an insect order called the Lepidoptera — the "scale-winged" insects. These living jewels have tiny, overlapping scales that cover their wings like shingles. The scales, whether muted or colorful, seem dusty if they rub off on your fingers. Many butterflies and moths are associated with particular types of food plants, which their caterpillars must eat in order to survive.